
Showing posts from June, 2011


[If you havent seen the Movie inception you might not enjoy this post to its fullest but after reading this post if you watch Inception you enjoy it mroe than rest ;)] I have a confession to make!! LONG LONG AGO when I was studying for my exams,I slowly dosed off, to realize I started dreaming. AND what I was studying was playing around the dream :O :O :O The same happened quite a few more times, that's when i found to my surprise i had super powers "i could built and go into a dream world just by reading books". Then i started reading newspapers, magz to pull more of current things into my dream and there i became a strong dream technician. Then if i wanted to study something, all i had to do was start reading the book goto my dream, search for my dream-bookshelf and keep a book of that subject,and before some character out of no where, with no introduction comes and snatches it away. After i make sure its safe i quickly run from it, swing in the air, jump down and tadaa